Sharing initial data from our survey of adults with CI: thanks to you all!
Adults with CI – what services do you get and what would you like?
Thanks to you all, our survey of adults with CI, in collaboration with York Uni, Toronto, had an amazing 1238 respondents from 40 countries. This work was supported by grant 892-2021-1077 from the Social Sciences Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada. We have begun sharing the initial data and you can look here. We have much more to do with such rich data and replies!

At the HEAL meeting in COMO, June 2022, Professor Connie Mayer, of York Uni, Toronto, and Dr Sue Archbold, Coordinator of CIICA shared the rationale and the first demographic data. The survey asked adults with CI what services they get currently, and what they would like.
You can find the PDF of the presentation here.
The Rationale for the survey :
Current global guidelines (Buchman et al, 2020) do not address the lifelong care necessary for both rehabilitation and technical support to maximise benefits of cochlear implantation
Goal to increase understanding of the requirements of adults who receive CIs from the perspective of the user
No previous investigations focused on the user view
Share knowledge globally with professionals, policy makers, funders, user and advocacy groups to improve practice and provision
Who responded?
1238 respondents agreed to participate in the survey, Representing 40 countries
Highest numbers of respondents from Germany, Australia, Brazil, United States, United Kingdom, France and New Zealand but good global coverage§
Ranged in age from 18 to 91 years; 10% under 30 years of age; Largest percentage (47%) between the ages of 55 and 75
Most (94%) reported a bilateral hearing loss ; Only (37%) used two implants ; Of 771 using one CI, 55% use a hearing aid in the other ear

Have a look at the initial summary to see more interesting information -and also see what we are now planning. The figures are interesting, but the rich free responses will give us a real insight into what life is like for Adult CI users, and will enable us to provide a powerful report to influence policy and practice.
Thanks to all – and we look forward to more help from you!
“I am very satisfied, however it is not perfect – so I wasn’t sure how to answer.” (from a CI user)