Insights from Delegates: CI Advocacy in Action in Brussels 2024

Nothing about Us Without Us ……..a reality at this first CI Advocacy in Action Conference, Brussels

100 delegates from 27 countries – including 38 CI users had their voices heard, sharing their advocacy successes and challenges – with passion! Thanks to all our speakers – see their presentations as pdfs in resources. Thanks to Shelly Chadha and Carolina Der from WHO, to Sara Robinelli, Prof of Health Communication, and Frances Gallimore – CI user and writer from Netherlands – who talked movingly of the stigma of deafness.

There are times in life when you feel you witness to something extraordinary. This first CIICA conference, led by those with cochlear implants is one of those times.

Global, inclusive, friendly, fun!

Loved everything ! – dynamic, diverse, perfect!


Graeme Clark’s inspiring message for CIICA’s Global Conference: CI Advocacy in Action in Brussels!
Insights from CIICA’s First Global Conference: Delegates Speak Out on CI Advocacy in Action!

How to be part of this vibrant community and spread the word in my country

I feel inspired and energised – going back home full of hope and inspiration

Message from Ariane Laplante Lévesque for CIICA Conference 2024: CI Advocacy in Action
Thank you from mothers of CI kids from Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgistan

Check out amazing videos made by AVID Language –

Video 1 | Video 2

Wonderful interactions with so many inspiring advocates – sharing ideas and challenges..

loved every moment – so many diverse stories: the same goals in different ways…

The young adults from across the globe – the new generation of CI users – telling it as it is today….
