What did the CIICA network achieve in 2024?

2024 has been an amazing year for the CIICA network, with our members increasing and our global reach increasing. Our membership has increased by 23% across the world, with over 100 organisations and over 600 individuals active in 74 countries.

A key development has been the first Advocacy in Action conference at our legal home in Brussels – with 100 delegates from 27 countries – see https://ciicanet.org/events/ci-advocacy-in-action-first-global-conference-may-2024/ for a taste of the action! and the conference has led to much more collaborative global advocacy work.

Our website is central to our network, and activity has seen year on year growth, with important new resources, including advocacy training videos, developed and published in the latter half of the year.

Our infographic highlights our major impact and growth during the course of the year:

Read CIICA’s full Annual Report for 2024 here and find out how we did it.

A huge THANK YOU to our global members, partners and the CIICA team, for all for your enthusiasm and commitment!
