Community Members

Welcome to the new and developing CIICA community – we are just starting our conversation together! All who share our goals and values are welcome to join.

We offer a trusted space to share conversations, advocacy activities, resources, research and inspire each other and we look forward to seeing the community grow and evolve. The content in these sections will grow as you contribute. 

If you haven’t joined us yet, you will need to register to access the pages: join here

Member Events

In the Events section you will find information about CIICA events and also about relevant events that others are holding which may be of interest.

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Community Advocacy News

See links to the latest advocacy news in our CI community. Email if you have something interesting to share.

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Current Issues

Join the debates on the issues of the day, or share your own issues for comment or advice. Have your say and join the discussions!

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Advocacy Resources

A selection of resources to use in your advocacy work; we look forward to adding more. Please send suggestions of resources you find useful.

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Research Roundups

Here you can find summaries of the latest published papers and their implications for advocacy work.

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Young Adults with CI

Hear About Advocacy Activities from Young Adults

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Active Research

Here you will find links to ongoing relevant research – so that we all can share what is going on! You will find here opportunities to participate in research to help advocacy work.

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