Tailored communication and advocacy can be effective drivers for policy formulation. Such advocacy has to be undertaken at global, regional and national levels and be based on facts and figures supported by evidence.” (World Report on Hearing, page 186)



Cochlear implantation (CI)  is recognized as a life-changing and cost-effective intervention for deaf individuals which benefits society by improving communication and well-being. However, access to CI and ongoing support is limited in many countries globally, with only 1 in 20 of those who could benefit can access CI.

Current advances in access to CI and support services have only happened because of the energetic and persistent advocacy and campaigning of user groups and individuals locally,  supported by committed professionals and industry. However, access to CI and services remains low:  continued effort in individual regions and countries as well as globally is needed to ensure the promise of better communication through hearing well can be achieved.

This guide aims to support user advocates, professionals and all those campaigning to improve aspects of CI access and provision of services. It is based on a series of case studies of successful campaigns, many undertaken by CIICA members, to help advocates think about what would be relevant to their campaigns. It also outlines an overall plan for improving CI provision and links to other examples, resources and advice for advocates.  With this guide, we want to encourage unified voices and action to increase access to CI and lifelong services.

If you want inspiration, advice and knowledge for planning your future campaigning the guide provides evidence and resources specific to campaigning on CI provision. CIICA ADVOCACY GUIDE

This is a developing resource – with more to come! Download the guide here; https://ciicanet.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CIICA-ADVOCACY-GUIDE.pdf

You already have the most important and valuable tool you need: your story…..By translating those experiences to policymakers, you can play a critical role in shaping legislation and policy for families, consumers, and the medical community.” (American CI Aliance, Advocacy Guide)
