Francisca Perea, is a PhD student in Hearing Science at Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre and about to begin this important research study and would like your help!
The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly affected social interactions, with face-to-face interactions increasingly being replaced by remote conversations. Since many CI users find it challenging to communicate remotely via telephone and video call, we want to better understand which technological solutions (such as live transcriptions) may help to alleviate the challenges experienced by individuals who use a cochlear implant during online conversations. If you are 18 or over, using at least one implant, do read the invitation below.
Invitation to participate
Online test (Only for CI users): Investigating technological solutions to improve online communication for people with hearing loss.
The study aims to better understand which technological solutions (such as live transcriptions) may help to alleviate the challenges experienced by individuals who use a cochlear implant during online conversations.
We are looking for adults (age 18 or over), who use at least one cochlear-implant, speak English fluently (able to read and understand speech), with normal or corrected -to-normal vision (e.g. glasses), and with no cognitive impairments (e.g. dementia).
If you meet the inclusion criteria, we invite you to complete the online test that consists of some questionnaires and listening tests. It will take you about 30 minutes in total, however, you can take as much time as you need. You shall receive a £5 gift voucher for your participation in the study (valid for Amazon UK accounts).
If you are interested in taking part in the study, you can access the test and the information sheet by clicking the link below. We recommend using large screen devices such as computers or tablets to take the test (Warning: do not use Apple devices (iPhone, IPad or Mac) since they are not compatible with this test):
Please make sure you click “Finish” at the end of the test for your responses to be recorded.
If you have any questions about the study, please do not hesitate to contact Francisca Perea:
Research supported by RNID, UK