We would like your help to develop a set of international priorities to guide hearing research. We are looking for opinions from researchers in hearing from around the world and define hearing research in the broadest sense: from discovery science to technology to health, in academia, industry, and clinic, and include such diverse areas as psychoacoustics, neuroscience, speech science and engineering.
Our aim is to generate a journal article outlining broad priorities for hearing research, as specified and rated by you, the experts in the field. The article will provide evidence which can be referred to in papers, grant applications, and in the political arena, and raise the profile of hearing research in general. It will, we hope, help to influence national strategic funding decisions (e.g. NIH, UKRI, ERC for example) by determining topics for focused funding calls.
We are members of the Special Interest Group in Hearing (Hearing Acoustics SIG) within the UK Acoustics Network ( UKAN has recently generated UK-focused “Priorities for Acoustics” (to which some UK researchers have already contributed). We believe there is tremendous value in producing a set of international priorities specific to hearing that represents international opinion. Some of you may have previously contributed when we asked UK- and European researchers. Please do not let this deter you from responding again.
The Ask:
- Please consider completing the attached survey, which will ask about the main priorities and challenges in hearing research as you see them. Answers can be as long or as short as you wish.
- More information, and the survey itself can be found here:
Or copy:
- The survey can be completed by anyone involved in hearing research in its broadest sense.
- In this first round of the process, we are particularly interested in opinions from people who are at least five-to-ten years post PhD, though all are welcome.
- In the second, priority-setting part of the survey, we will ask all researchers to rank-order topics.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards,
Antje Heinrich (
Rob MacKinnon (
Chris Sumner (
Members of the UKAN Hearing SIG Committee