WHO launches Hearing Screening: Considerations for Implementation

The World report on hearing recommends that WHO Member States take urgent and evidence-based policy action to prevent, identify and rehabilitate hearing loss. Screening for hearing loss and ear diseases at specific time points forms an important part of this strategy.
HEARING screening: considerations for implementation builds on the recommendations made in the World report on hearing. It aims to provide Member States with technical guidance for establishing evidence-based programmes for hearing screening in different target age-groups and to facilitate early interventions for ear diseases and hearing loss in:
- newborns and infants
- schoolchildren
- older people
Screening was identified as vital to our network members and the World Health Organisation launched this handbook on screening this week. Three more webinars will be available to share more information about each area. To register go here: Launch of HEARING screening: considerations for recommendations (who.int)
These are all vital issues for the CIICA network wherever you are. WHO hope it inspires hearing screening programmes to facilitate early intervention to address hearing loss.
Go to Hearing screening: considerations for implementation (who.int) to download the document which provides information and evidence to establish screening programmes.
More information at www.ciicanet.org/resources.