World Hearing Day, 3 March 2022: To listen for life, listen with care!

What are you planning for World Hearing Day? Every year on 3 March World Hearing Day is celebrated globally with a huge range of activities on one theme. In 2022 the theme is To Listen for Life, Listen with Care!
World Hearing Day will mark the launch of:
- Global standard for safe listening entertainment venues,
- mSafeListening handbook, and
- Media toolkit for journalists.
This is a great opportunity to raise awareness of the impact of hearing loss, and your activities. Go to World Hearing Day 2022 ( to see some great resources and ideas for your activities and join in the global activities on the day!
You can register your activity for World Hearing Day and see an overview of all the planned projects at Projects Overview – World Hearing Day
There are small grants available to help you with a closing date of 7 February 2022 and go to World Hearing Forum / Coalition for Global Hearing Health Small Grants ( to apply.
Here is the link to the report of activities from 2021:—report-of-activities__;!!Eh6P0A!DoknTczGE2tY2lecyUnt7csz94SX6S1VO2-He9tbVuKTG6W_0Idb8JYJn_zvBTlJHySGaWR2$