SUMMARY OF CONVERSATION AVAILABLE CIICA Conversation 19 November 2024 Adults. What should future Ci users know Summary
CIICA CONVERSATIONS have been having a series for adults with CI to discuss the issues important to them, and during our September Person Centered Care conversation, members reflected on “What I Wish I Had Known Before Cochlear Implantation,” describing valuable supports and information that did not occur during their “patient journey.”
This conversation turned our attention toward those who are considering their own journey. Our topic, “What Do You Think Future CI Users Should Know?” provided an opportunity to share invaluable real-life advice and guidance to countless persons who don’t know what to ask or expect. As we say, you don’t know what you don’t know!
Both these questions were asked by participants to our CI ADVOCACY IN ACTION CONFERENCE IN MAY on the Talking Wall so this is the opportunity to address them.
Led by Kris English, Prof Audiology, USA and CI users:
– Rikie Boevink: Implant + Hearing Aid , Blog: “Hearing is a Gift, Understanding is an Art”, Arnhem, the Netherlands
– Michelle Frisbie: Bilateral Implants, Treasurer, HLAA state & local chapters , Wisconsin, USA
– Emma McAuley: CI user, Audiologist, Ireland.
There were 21 Attendees from 8 countries: 15 users of CI; 3 audiologists (2 of whom also CI users), 2 waiting for CI, one with sudden hearing loss. Live captioning was provided. Participants were from Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Ireland, Romania, UK and USA.