View previous CIICA newsletters
The Living Guidelines for adult cochlear implantation were developed to encourage access to and improved services for adults. Version 3 was launched on July 2 2024, and you can download it here.
CIICA attended the HEAL conference at COMO; Hearing across the Lifespan, hosted by Professor Grandori - presenting CIICA research and resources.
CI ADVOCACY IN ACTION, our first live conference brought together 100 amazing people from 27 countries, including 38 CI users! This was an amazing event set to change the future of CI advocacy.
WORLD HEARING DAY 2024: CHANGING MINDSETS. CIICA Conversation How do Parent Groups Change Mindsets?
Hear what young adults implanted with CIs as children have to say in our report: 'Young People with CI Matter.' Download the report now and watch the video...
Celebrating International CI DAY - 25 February 2024
United by a passion to hear... see what EUROCIU have to say and see the press release for you to use on 25 February. Images to come.
CIICA is delighted to be a member of the World Hearing Forum and several of the Board and many of our network members were able recently to be at the second World Hearing Forum, WHO, Geneva.
Adults with CI tell us that they are very satisfied with their technology and rely on them for communication in everyday life. but....funded lifelong services must be provided. 32% report not enough rehabilitation.
A new peer reviewed paper on the development of CIICA is published in IJA! Read about the research to establish CIICA as a global health network to increase advocacy for CI.