The Positive Impact of CI on Deaf Children’s Literacy

Download this resource here. CI Literacy Briefing Paper

Reading is the gateway to learning, to educational achievements, and later employment and full participation in everyday life.

Cochlear implantation has had a positive impact on literacy outcomes that no other changes in communication policies or educational approach have made over the years. Historically, the literacy attainments of deaf children have been low -and there is now considerable and growing evidence of the impact of cochlear implantation.  This evidence is summarised in this briefing paper  The Positive Impact of CI on Deaf Children’s Literacy,  by Professor Connie Mayer, York University, Toronto.

This work is ongoing and further work will be added.

Follow this link to this new paper by Connie and Beverley Trezek

Mayer, C., & Trezek, B. J. (2024). Reading achievement and deaf students with cochlear implants. Cochlear Implants International, 1–9.

See also CIICA’s resource Cochlear Implants for Deaf Children :
