Community Advocacy News

CIICA - still growing! This is our space for shared news and here are just a few to start us off. People told us that they are keen to share news and information, so we don't "reinvent the wheel!".

We welcome short items here with a link to your site – and we will be providing more space for stories about successful advocacy too. Help us to make this an interesting and exciting space! Please send your brief contribution to . We look forward to hearing from you.

Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA)

  World Hearing Day: U.S. Congressional Representatives Mike Thompson and David McKinley, co-chairs of the Congressional Hearing Health Caucus, submitted a resolution in the House of Representatives supporting World Hearing Day on March 3, 2021. The resolution* expresses support for the goals and ideals of World Hearing Day. On behalf of the 48 million Americans […]
22 February 2021Read more