Community Advocacy News

CIICA - still growing! This is our space for shared news and here are just a few to start us off. People told us that they are keen to share news and information, so we don't "reinvent the wheel!".

We welcome short items here with a link to your site – and we will be providing more space for stories about successful advocacy too. Help us to make this an interesting and exciting space! Please send your brief contribution to . We look forward to hearing from you.

PINDROP, New Zealand, at Conference for General Practitioners, GPs

PINDROP, New Zealand, at Conference for General Practitioners, GPs

Nic Russell, of PINDROP, New Zealand, tells us of their Road Show and the importance of visiting the annual GP conference to talk about the value of adult CI - so many delegates only thought that CI was for children and not an option for adults.
22 June 2021Read more  


The Nordic Adult CI Action Group met online - from Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Denmark - and shared the evidence from the WHO World Report on Hearing and the CIICA summaries, which will now be translated into the Nordic languages. Asa Skagerstrand presented on person centred care and cohesive care processes for adults with severe and profound hearing loss.
18 June 2021Read more  
Helen Cullington, Chair of BCIG, UK,  wears her badge – ask me about cochlear implants!

Helen Cullington, Chair of BCIG, UK, wears her badge – ask me about cochlear implants!

Helen Cullington, Chair of British Cochlear Implant Group, UK wears her new badge with pride! "ask me about cochlear implants"! You can get one too - email and you could wear it too to spread the word.
23 May 2021Read more  
IFHOH – updating our Advocacy Statement on CI

IFHOH – updating our Advocacy Statement on CI

IFHOH is updating their advocacy statement on CI - join the discussion! The paper is being updated given the recent release of the World Report on Hearing and the Consensus Paper on CI Treatment for Adult Hearing Loss.
16 May 2021Read more  
The Spanish Government recognises CI users and AICE

The Spanish Government recognises CI users and AICE

After years of work by the AICE Foundation, the Plenary of the Spanish Government Senate approved an Institutional Declaration on the occasion of Cochlear Implant Day that was signed by all parliamentary groups, making CI user groups visible.
16 April 2021Read more  

HLLA’s Patient-focused meeting with Food and Drug Administration of America

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held a Patient-Focused Drug Development (PFDD) meeting hosted by the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) on May 25,2021. It was a great step forward for real patient engagement!
14 April 2021Read more  


Eddie Mukaaya says: It's great to be part of CIICA and on the Steering Group! There is so much to do in Uganda to improve our services. See what we did on International CI day .
10 March 2021Read more  
CICADA at Sydney Opera House on International CI Day!

CICADA at Sydney Opera House on International CI Day!

International CI Day - we had the Channel 10 Sydney news and Channel 7 Melbourne News arrive and take some footage and interview Sue Walters, President of CICADA.
10 March 2021Read more