On this page you will find a few examples of resources we think will be useful to you in your advocacy work: in our Community Members’ pages we look forward to sharing your contributions!

It is a really good idea to share resources and see what is happening in other countries. This is crucial to advocacy work.

CI User

Resources for Mainstream Teachers

Resources for Mainstream Teachers
SUKI, the Czech organisation, has produced seven great brochures for different educational situations – and EURO-CIU is helping with the translations. The project is to support the inclusion of hearing impaired children (6-12).  They include: Being a parent to a child with hearing impairment – starting school Teacher of a child with a hearing impairment. […]

Spanish CI Students tell us what they need and demand in the pandemic

Spanish  CI Students tell us what they need and demand in the pandemic
Accessibility in Education. Accessibility in the pandemic is so important - in Current Issues Lidia Best and others share their views on Accessibility. Here listen to these Spanish CI students share their issues and what they need and demand to provide Accessibility in Education

CI Advocacy and The World Report on Hearing: summaries

CI Advocacy and  The World Report on Hearing: summaries
The World Report on Hearing, launched on 3 March 2021, is an excellent resource of evidence and references to support the development of Ear and Hearing Services globally. These summaries provide the evidence from the Report to support your CI advocacy activities in an accessible form. Four to choose from! and Dutch, German,Turkish and Russian translations already available.

Adult Hearing Screening: why wait any longer?

Adult Hearing Screening: why wait any longer?
This report provides information on Adult Hearing Screening, on screening issues and techniques available, the follow up required and the views of adults with hearing loss on screening. Adult hearing loss is the greatest cause of Years Lived with Disability over the age of 70, yet people leave it for years before seeking help. The recent WHO World Report on Hearing provides us with further support for adult hearing screening.


The Spend2Save document provides a summary of the evidence that providing hearing technologies not only changes lives, but saves society money. Available in many languages - have a look!

Global Guidelines: Standards of Care for Adult Cochlear Implantation

Global Guidelines: Standards of Care for Adult Cochlear Implantation
CIICA’s first resource is a summary of Global Guidelines on Standards of Care for Adult Cochlear Implantation, developed with EURO-CIU. It gives you the guidelines and their implications in an accessible way. Do look!

Research Roundups

Research Roundups
Here you can find summaries of some of the latest published research papers relevant to our objectives and their key points for advocacy work. We hope that they are helpful and also inspire you to read the full papers!